I’ve been back into masonary again, especially soft stone sculpture, and dying to have some cash so I can get some fibreglass and start making molds of the stuff. It’s just too arty doing one offs and I don’t really like the idea of carting them around to markets on the off chance people will like what I do… but trade me might work.
Anyways, before getting the molds together and the materials to do the soft stone stuff, which incidentally is equall parts NO 1 sand, vermiculite (available at Nuplex in Penrose) and cement, I’ve been doing a little 3/1 sand/cement wall building to warm up to the masonary stuff.
This is the raised area just outside the main door to the garage and it’s been unfinished for years.
This is the wall down the side of it which I’d planned to do in bottles but I’ve changed my mind and want it opening into the area I now use to do the soft stone sculpture.
This is the corner where I’m going up to create a post on which a deck from the shed will project out. No steel in it because the weight bearing will be compressive only though the post on the other end will be tied into the foundations with concrete… but it’ll be freestanding without buttresses so it’ll need the steel.
But then whats most important is what I do for money, though it’d be really great turning up at places and doing the above, and I suppose that’ll happen in time once I get a few of the below sold off. Thsi is my first one after a few years doin’ other stuff, though I did do one or two during last years Manukau At Festival.
And these I did today. The block on the left will have a cast made so I can make a bunch of them for round the front on the patio.
I really want to do casting and have a mosaic of shapes that can be put together in a myriad of ways. And heres another of one of the above. I do particularly like like this one and I think I really am startin’ to develop a style!
Oh well, possibly two more tomorrow if I can get up early enough!
not sure how i got here but i did… fantastic arty build you did with the masonary
i put on community events throughout NZ
we are about to launch (in the next few months) an NEW array of events, one of which is DIY based
if you would be so kind to correspond i’d love to send you some info when it gets up and running for i am sure what you do could generate not only interest but earning potential